Tadpole Technologies Herons And Blanketweed Prevention - Aquatics UK.

Tadpole Technologies Herons And Blanketweed Prevention - Aquatics UK.

Protect Your Pond From Herons & Blanketweed

Prevent The Heron Taking Your Fish
Kill Algae Fast & Stop The Green Slime Returning.

Are herons catching and eating fish from your pond? Have you tried to protect your fish from attacking herons, but failed to stop them taking the fish? Are you looking for a really effective way to defend your pond from the heron and to keep your fish safe? Look no further. Heron Guard provides effective protection for your fish, and will defend the pond against heron attack.

Is your pond full of green slimy blanketweed? Have you tried removing the blanketweed from your pond by hand, but this unsightly green algae slime just keeps growing back? Have you tried using chemicals to kill the blanketweed in your pond, but it didn't kill the blanketweed, instead it killed your plants? Are you looking for a way to kill the blanketweed growing in your pond, and to stop the algae growing back? Look no further, we can kill the existing blanketweed growing in your pond, and we can stop green algae growing back.

Herons & Blanketweed are two of the greatest problems facing pond keepers today. Most UK pond keepers will struggle to stop green algae growing in their ponds, and to protect their pond against heron attack. Many will give up their ponds because of their failure to defend their pond against green algae slime, and to keep their fish safe.

At Tadpole Technologies Aquatics UK we have simple, effective solutions. We can help help you to protect your pond and stop the herons taking your fish, and we can kill the blanketweed growing in your pond, and stop it from growing back. These solutions will help to take some of the worries out of pond keeping and allow you to relax and enjoy your pond, with peace of mind.

Stop the heron taking your fish. Kill blanketweed.
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Stop the heron taking your fish - Main Page
Above:This heron has been defeated by the Heron Guard.
He is flying away to look for an unprotected pond.

heron uk herons uk Unobtrusive and easy to install

heron uk herons uk An effective alternative to netting

heron uk herons uk Unlike netting will not tangle with the plants

heron uk herons uk Allows easy access to the pond

heron uk herons uk No wiring - no batteries

stop blanketweed growing in the pond - Main Page
Above: This pond has a terrible blanketweed problem.
The blanketweed is being removed from the pond by twisting it together with a stick

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Blanketweed Control

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Effective control of unsightly blanketweed

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Two part blanketweed treatment

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Blanc-Kit - Powerful remedy for a fast kill of blanket weed

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Phos-Kit - Milder remedy for regular dosing.
Defends against blanketweed re-growth
Attacks existing blanket weed

blanket weed uk blanketweed uk Safe to use with fish

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195 Portsmouth Road, Cobham
Surrey KT11 1JR England
Telephone: (01932) 866898

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